The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences № 5/2023.  Economics and Management.

Valentina Yu. Muzychuk

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), associate professor, Deputy Director for Science, Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Researcher, State Institute for Art Studies, Moscow, Russia

ORCID: 0009-0008-7902-7228



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The article provides a detailed analysis of the concept of creative industries, which is currently being actively introduced into the cultural practice of modern Russia. The author attempts to revise the terminology (the industry of culture – cultural industries – creative industries). In the case of creative industries we are talking about the combination of the following three elements: creative activity, entrepreneurial skills and intellectual property rights, as a result of which an added value is created in the economy, and the product is traded on the market. However, the majority of cultural goods created in the non-commercial segment of the cultural sector have no relation to creative industries. The substitution of concepts results in the cultural sector being required to earn more and more, and this contradicts the mission for which public cultural institutions were created: introducing the population to cultural values. Though experts admit that there is currently no consensus among researchers regarding clear criteria for classifying certain activities as creative industries, Russia is facing increasing challenges for the non-commercial segment of the cultural sector – it is gradually being pushed towards commodification and commercialization. The Concept of Developing Creative Industries… adopted at the end of 2021 completely identified the non-commercial segment of the cultural sector with creative industries, which included theaters, museums, and even libraries. Moreover, the latter became “entry points” to the creative industries. The article shows that the task of boosting economic growth in Russia’s regions, for the sake of which The Concept of Developing Creative Industries… was designed, cannot be solved solely by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, as it lacks the appropriate functionality, financial and administrative resources, and professional staff for this purpose.

Keywords: creative industries, cultural industries, cultural sector, cultural policy, cultural commodification of culture, commercialization of culture, marketization of culture.

JEL: Z1.




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Manuscript submission date: 15.09.2023

For citation:

Muzychuk V.Yu. Creative Industries: Challenges for the Non-Commercial Segment of the Cultural Sector // Vestnik Instituta Ekonomiki Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk. 2023. № 5. Pp. 7-39. (In Russ.). EDN: BXIKUF

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