The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences № 4/2024.  Finance.

Sergey A. Perekhod

Lecturer at the Department of Financial Markets and Financial Engineering, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

ORCID: 0000-0002-4606-1226


Anna V. Mkhitaryan

Leading Software Engineer of the Department for Ensuring the Functioning and Development of the Digital Platform «Water Data» of the Sector for the Development of the CPU Water Components, Russian Research Institute for Integrated Use and Protection of Water Resources, Moscow, Russia


Daria S. Selifonkina

Leading Expert of the Second Department of Administrative and Economic Support of the Case Management, FAS of Russia, Moscow, Russia



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In 2024, it has been exactly 10 years since the Russian financial market was under the influence of economic sanctions from the leading countries of the world economy. Despite attempts to destabilize and degrade the Russian market, the shocks from international sanctions have not had a serious destructive effect on it. The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of sanctions restrictions on various segments of the Russian financial market and determine the extent to which sanctions can contribute to its transformation and stable development. Statistical analysis for 2004–2023 showed that international sanctions have a negative impact: volatility in the money and capital markets has increased, the Russian ruble has devalued, and inflation has surged. At the same time, the sanctions contributed to the sovereignization of the Russian financial market, the growth of which began to be determined by internal sources of financing. The further development of the Russian financial market should be associated with reforms aimed at attracting domestic investment into the economy, unconventional monetary policy and reducing the outflow of private capital, as well as appealing to financial investments from friendly countries.

Keywords: sanctions, financial marker, bonds, rate, Bank of Russia, exchange rate.

JEL: G12, G21, G11


DOI: 2024_4_116_138


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Manuscript submission date: 13.07.2024 

For citation:

Perekhod S.A., Mkhitaryan A.V., Selifonkina D.S.  International sanctions against Russia (2014–2024): assessment and implications for the financial market // Vestnik Instituta Ekonomiki Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk. 2024. № 4. Pp. 116-138. (In Russ.). 2024_4_116_138 EDN: RWIZLA

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