Medvedev I.V.
postgraduate student of the Institute of Economics and Management of the Tver State University
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The article is devoted to the analysis of the theoretical foundations for the convergence of national economies, as well as the reasons that cause the deformation of supranational institutions. For this purpose, a comparative analysis of theoretical approaches to the determination of institutional dysfunction has been carried out in the work. The study substantiates the need to introduce the term «deformation» of national economies as a process leading to the occurance of pathology and further dysfunction of the supranational institution. It is concluded that due to interconnection of national economies through the supranational institution of integration start of the deformation process either at technical and economical levels or at social and economical ones leads to an erosion of economic ties between countries and pathologies of the supranational institution. The paper shows that if the «rooted» deformations of the core of an integration association often can't be eliminated, then the «acquired» deformations of the core of integration can be eliminated if they are timely detected (not long after an integration association was established). The transformation of the integration institution can be either adaptation or a complete redistributing the benefits of integration received by national economies from integration processes.
Keywords: deformation of the institution, dysfunction of the institution, economic institutions, institutional evolutionary approach.
JEL: A10, A12, E02, E14
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For citations:
Medvedev I.V. (2022). Impact of the deformation of supranational institutions on the integration of national economies// Vestnik Instituta Ekonomiki Rossiyskoy akademii nauk № 2. Pp. 112-130. (In Russ.).