The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences № 5/2024. Issues of Economic theory.
Yuri G. Pavlenko
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Chief Researcher, Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-7358-9923
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The article is devoted to understanding the objective grounds for the need to reduce social inequality, which creates threats to economic development, sustainability of social and political systems. The solution to the problem of social inequality is considered within the framework of the concept of egalitarianism. The author comes to the conclusion that the implementation of the principles of egalitarianism is an objective necessity, which is formed by the nature of modern social reproduction based on the creative economy. At the center of the creative economy is a person and his creative potential. At the same time, the most important political and economic basis of the creative economy is its diversity.
Keywords: egalitarianism, inequality, creative economy, labor.
JEL: A13, D60, J01, O15
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Manuscript submission date: 16.09.2024
For citation:
Pavlenko Yu.G. Egalitarianism in the context of modern creative economy // Vestnik Instituta Ekonomiki Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk. 2024. № 5. Pp. 7-20. (In Russ.). EDN: AJDLIT