The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences № 2/2024.  Economics and Management.

Yuriy A. Krupnov

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor of the Institute of Economic Policy and Economic Security Problems, Faculty of Economics and Business, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

ORCID: 0000-0002-9524-3747


Sergey N. Silvestrov

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Head of the Institute of Economic Policy and Economic Security Problems, Faculty of Economics and Business, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

ORCID: 000-0002-7678-1283



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The problem of reducing technological dependence is considered based on the use of the effect of technology diffusion. Under sanctions, this is one of the important areas of reducing the dependence of the economy. The analysis and prioritization of methods for borrowing technologies is carried out and the role of direct investment in combination with the localization of foreign production is shown. The directions for the most complete use of the effect of technology diffusion are substantiated. The stability and longevity of diffusion processes must be ensured by increasing the level of localization of high-tech foreign production. It is concluded that the further dynamics of technological development and the possibility of achieving a higher level of sovereignty depend on the ability of government and corporate governance bodies to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of the global economy.

Keywords: economic development, technological sovereignty, diffusion of technologies, localization of foreign production.

JEL: F15, F52, G28




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Manuscript submission date: 21.02.2024


For citation:

Krupnov Y.A., Silvestrov S.N. Technological sovereignty and diffusion of technologies // Vestnik Instituta Ekonomiki Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk. 2024. № 2. Pp. 31-48. (In Russ.). EDN: CBHKJQ

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