The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences № 4/2023.  Economics and Management.

Svetlana V. Kozlova

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Chief Researcher, Head of the Sector of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


Olga M. Gribanova

Researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia



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The article presents the results of a study of the current institutional environment for managing state property, considered as an aggregate of basic institutions for managing state property, resulted in the formation and transformation process over the past three decades in Russia in the course of Russian market reforms. The analysis was carried out on the basis of such categories as the institutional environment, the institutional mechanism, which gives us a more relevant picture of the ongoing processes in the field of state property management and the opportunity to determine areas for its further improvement.

It is concluded that, even in the context of the extraordinary geopolitical challenges of the 21st century and anti-Russian sanctions, the use of the currently existing fundamental institutions of state property management as a basis for the formation of new mechanisms of state property administration and improvement of the existing ones is quite enough to solve current and long-term socio-economic tasks facing Russia, as well as to achieve our strategic state goals in a changing global environment.

Keywords: state administration, state property, state administration institutions, institutional environment, institutional mechanism.

JEL: H82, H19




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Manuscript submission date: 15.07.2023

For citation:

Kozlova S.V., Gribanova O.M. Institutional environment оf state property management in current realities // Vestnik Instituta Ekonomiki Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk. 2023. №. 4 Pp. 45-64. (In Russ.). EDN: GUOKSV

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