The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences № 2/2023. World Economy.
Alexey A. Sidorov
Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor at N.N. Liventsev Department of International Economic Relations and Foreign Economic Affairs, MGIMO University, Moscow, Russia
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The author analyzes the concept of access to foreign markets and theoretical approaches to study this category. He differentiates the concepts of market access and one of export support, presents a system of factors determining access to foreign markets, and singles out general factors, as well as factors of the I and II order conditioned by the general economic and market situation. Factors of the first order are directly related to foreign trade policy, factors of the second order correspond to other types of economic policy. The author identifies current trends in the above groups of factors and their significance for Russia. He analyzes the influence of economic integration on the formation of market access conditions by examining the degree of integration of groups of market access factors, as well as the level of their predominant formation (national or supranational) depending on the stage of economic integration.
Keywords: market access, preferential trade agreements, economic policy, trade policy, trade barriers, tariff barriers, non-tariff barriers, industrial policy, national security, environmental protection, economic integration.
JEL: F13, F15, F51, F52.
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Manuscript submission date: 01.03.2023
For citation:
Sidorov A.A. Foreign market access: theoretical approach and factors // Vestnik Instituta Ekonomiki Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk. 2023. № 2. Pp. 86-107. (In Russ.). EDN: SGBXYX