The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences № 2/2024.  Finance.

Vladislav V. Rychkov

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assistant Professor of the Department of Finance, Credit and Exchange Business of the Perm State National Research University, Perm, Russia

ORCID: 0000-0002-0869-8218



Размер файла 71-115 Размер файла  2.38 MB Размер файла Full text


The study presents a hypothesis that real-time news about the planned introduction of sanctions, adversely affects financial markets comparable to de facto imposed sanctions. The research focuses on quantitative evaluation of the relationship between news about sanction plans, their actual implementation, and the subsequent reaction of the currency, stock, and credit markets in Russia. The hypothesis that sanctions news has a negative impact, regardless of sentiment analysis, is confirmed. These news items act as a driving force for market changes, irrespective of the imposition of sanctions. Based on the calculations, the author reaches the following conclusions: 1) Western sanctions are no longer targeted and selective but aimed at maximum restriction of economic ties. 2) The non imposed sanctions of the study demonstrate that news about sanction plans alone has a negative impact and acts as a market-driving force independent of their implementation. The study utilises the Sanctions News Index (SNI), developed to assess the impact of news about sanctions on the Russian financial markets. The Granger method confirms the causal relationship between sanctions news and financial markets as measured by the SNI index. The significance of the sanctions factor, as measured by the SNI index, and its influence on the exchange rate of the Russian ruble is confirmed by constructing a regression model with this indicator as one of the independent variables. A proposed methodology has successfully identified the most impactful sanctions and evaluated their effects on financial markets. This was accomplished by performing quantitative content analysis on the SNI index. This work can be valuable for assessing the impact of sanctions on investment decision-making, and risk management, and understanding the overall mechanism, i.e., how news about potential or actual sanctions affect the economies of entire countries or regions.

Keywords: Russia, trade sanctions, news about trade sanctions, Russian ruble, the impact of trade sanctions, assessment of the impact of trade sanctions on the foreign exchange market, assessment of the impact of trade sanctions on the stock market, assessment of the impact of trade sanctions on the credit market.

JEL: F51, F52, F62





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Manuscript submission date: 05.02.2024

For citation:

Rychkov V.V. Analysis of the Impact of the Sanctions News on Russian Financial Markets// Vestnik Instituta Ekonomiki Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk. 2024. № 2. Pp. 71-115. (In Russ.). 2024_2_71_115  EDN: YKILCZ

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