The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences № 1/2025.  Economics and Management.

Dmitri E. Konovalov

Junior Researcher, Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia



Размер файла47-65 Размер файла  327.72 KB Размер файла Full text

The article explores the objectives outlined in strategic planning documents and program-based management frameworks within the cultural sector. It examines inconsistencies between the national development objectives, the Integrated action plan, and the objectives of government programs related to culture. With regard to the Integrated action plan, the article substantiates the existence of a two-tiered objective structure, distinguishing between strategic and operational objectives, and investigates how these objectives are aligned. The author introduces an alignment matrix for objectives and activities, which enables an assessment of consistency at different levels. The study identifies cases where strategic planning logic in the cultural sector is disrupted, such as replacing strategic objectives with operational ones or incorporating new strategic objectives into the Integrated action plan that were not previously included in sectoral strategic documents. The misalignment of objectives in the cultural sector creates risks for achieving both sectoral development priorities and national objectives. These inconsistencies negatively impact public administration performance metrics and highlight the need to reconsider the structure of the Integrated action plan and update approaches to objective-setting. The quality of objective-setting, the realism of the defined objectives, and the degree of their alignment directly affect the actual implementation of public cultural policy and the overall functioning of the cultural sector.

Keywords: strategic planning, program-based management, cultural sector, national development objectives, government programs, strategic objectives, alignment matrix, performance metrics, cultural economics, objective alignment.

JEL: Z1, Z11, E61, I38, O20




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Manuscript submission date: 15.01.2025


For citation:

Konovalov D.E. Comparative analysis of objectives in strategic planning documents in the cultural domain // Vestnik Instituta Ekonomiki Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk. 2025. №. 1. Pp. 47-65. (In Russ.). EDN: GIBTLG

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