The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences № 4/2024.  Economics and Management.

Arsentiy B. Sokolov

Researcher, Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia



Размер файла82-97  Размер файла  383.38 KB Размер файла Full text


A necessary condition for Russia to achieve technological sovereignty is the strengthening of the national sector of information and communication technologies, which ensures digital transformation of the economy, social sphere, state and corporate governance. The state plays a key role in supporting the development of this sector. Supportive and stimulating measures adopted by the Russian government after an unprecedented increase in sanctions pressure on the country ensured a generally positive development of the sector in 2022-2024. At the same time, their prolongation and improvement, especially in the area of investment support for implemented and planned projects, is an urgent task, the solution of which requires scientific substantiation.

Keywords: economic policy, information and communication technologies, state support, import substitution, technological sovereignty, ICT-sector.

JEL: L52, L63, O32, O38


DOI: 2024_4_82_97


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Manuscript submission date: 25.05.2024

For citation:

Sokolov A.B. State support for the Russian information and communication technology sector in the context of external restrictions // Vestnik Instituta Ekonomiki Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk. 2024. № 4. Pp. 82-97. (In Russ.). 2024_4_82_97  EDN: QCMVCE

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